Who is it written for?

For all of you that have thought, "Someday I want to go fishing in Canada, but I don't have the faintest idea of how to go about setting it up."

You are not alone.  Quite a few folks who fish in the U. S. would like to experience a Canadian fishing trip but never get around to actually doing it only because they don't know where to start - or simply have a fear of the unknown.

The "Wilderness Fishing Guide" was written for you.  Check out the Chapter Descriptions. to see how this book leads you step-by-step through the planning process, to the cabin, onto the lake, and out there where the big ones are.

This book will take you from "the wishin to the fishin" ---- from feeling overwhelmed to feeling like an expert.

For anyone who has been invited to go fishing with a group.

This book should be required reading. Even though it would seem most of the preparations have been taken care of for you, at a minimum you need to read the following chapters:

Ch 4 - Selecting your Companions
Ch 6 - Pre-trip To-Do List
Ch 7 - What to Pack and How to Pack
Ch 11 - At the Cabin
Ch 15 - The Big-Ones and the Not-So-Big-Ones

They contain advice that will make the trip a great one, keep you from inadvertently irritating your fishing partners, ---- and possibly get you invited again!

For anyone who says,  "I've been there and it was a lousy trip."

Read the book to find out how to avoid those problems the next time.  In all our years, no matter which lake, no matter who is in the group, we have never had a bad trip.  So why should you?